Attraction marketing was a concept that I learned way back when I was in network marketing. I don’t even remember who taught it to me, but it was explained as a marketing strategy involving using your story, images, and words to attract people to you. It’s a strategy that is less focused on selling, and more focused on you and your brand. Today I’m going to share the three C’s to attraction marketing.
You can’t attract your ideal clients if you don’t have clarity in your business. You need to get clarity on what you do, who you help, and how you help them. If people can’t understand what you do, there’s a major gap in your messaging and in your brand.
You have to narrow down who you help in order to grow your business. They say ‘the riches are in the niches’ and it is SO true! I put together an exercise that you can use to help you develop your Brand Positioning Statement. You can access this step-by-step process here.
Your content is the biggest opportunity you have to attract people to your services and offers. Using social media as a CREATOR rather than just a CONSUMER means publishing content that resonates with the type of people you want to work with including their pain points, desires, and core objections.
But also, we want to make sure we’re delivering holistic brand content — meaning you aren’t just always creating content around your expertise — because there’s so much more to you and your brand than business!
Ask yourself… What do people need to know about me in order to know, like and trust me as their influencer and leader?
You have magic inside of you and stories to tell. Give yourself the time, space, and practice to create your amazing content.
You have to be willing to show up every day.
This is not a one-week or even one-month strategy. This is a long term strategy that requires you to stay consistent every day. You will start to realize what your audience is loving and what they want and need more of.
Determine a schedule that works for you and commit to that schedule each week. If three to four times a day doesn’t work for you, don’t take on that strategy!
Attraction marketing is so much more than just showing people our lifestyle and selling them our services — it’s about showing up as a leader in your online community and amplifying your trust with them.
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